Keyboard shortcuts - Perform mutual Firefox tasks chop-chop

This article lists keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla Firefox. The shortcuts just work if they are not used by the desktop environs or window managing director. If you accept enabled Emacs-style text editing shortcuts in GNOME, they will likewise work in Firefox. When an Emacs text editing shortcut conflicts with the default shortcuts (every bit occurs with Ctrl+Yard), the Emacs shortcut will take precedence if focus is inside a text box (which would include the address bar and search bar). In such cases you lot should use the alternate keyboard shortcut if 1 is listed beneath.

  • For mouse shortcuts, encounter this commodity.


Command Shortcut
Back Alt + command +
control + [
Alt +
Ctrl + [

*when browser.backspace_action is set to 0 (as in the Configuration Editor), which is not the default.
Forward Alt + command +
command + ]
Alt +
Ctrl + ]

Shift + Backspace*
*see above.
Home Alt + Home option + dwelling
Open File Ctrl + O command + O
Reload F5
Ctrl + R control + R
Reload (override enshroud) Ctrl + F5
Ctrl + Shift + R
command + shift + R
Stop Esc
command + .

Current Folio

Command Shortcut
Focus Side by side Link or Input Field Tab
Focus Previous Link or Input Field Shift + Tab
Get Downwards a Screen Page Downward
fn +

Space bar
Go Upwardly a Screen Page Up
fn +

Shift + Space bar
Become to Lesser of Page End
Ctrl +

command +
Go to Top of Page Home
Ctrl +

control +
Move to Next Frame, Popular-Up F6
Movement to Previous Frame, Pop-Up Shift + F6
Print Ctrl + P command + P
Relieve Focused Link Alt + Enter option + return
-when browser.altClickSave is set up to true (equally in the Configuration Editor), which is not the default.
Salvage Page As Ctrl + S command + S
Zoom In Ctrl + + command + +
Zoom Out Ctrl + - command + -
Zoom Reset Ctrl + 0 command + 0


Control Shortcut
Copy Ctrl + C command + C
Cut Ctrl + Ten command + X
Delete Del delete
Delete Word to the Left Ctrl + Backspace
Delete Word to the Right Ctrl + Del
Become one Word to the Left Ctrl +
Get ane Word to the Right Ctrl +
Go to Starting time of Line Home
Ctrl +
Go to End of Line Finish
Ctrl +
Go to Beginning of Text Ctrl + Home
Go to End of Text Ctrl + End
Paste Ctrl + 5 command + V
Paste (as plain text) Ctrl + Shift + V command + shift + V
Redo Ctrl + Y
Ctrl + Shift + Z
command + shift + Z
Select All Ctrl + A command + A
Undo Ctrl + Z command + Z
Control Shortcut
Notice in This Page Ctrl + F command + F
Find Over again F3
Ctrl + G command + G
Find Previous Shift + F3
Ctrl + Shift + 1000 command + shift + G
Quick Find inside link-text simply '
Quick Find /
Close the Find or Quick Find bar Esc
- when the Discover or Quick Find bar is focused
Switch Search Engine Alt +
Alt +
option +
selection +

- afterwards y'all take written something (or pressed ) in the address bar
Spider web Search with Default Search Engine Type ? and a infinite (or simply ?) into empty Accost Bar
Focus Accost bar for Web Search with Default Search Engine Ctrl + K command + G
Ctrl + Eastward Ctrl + J command + option + F
- if search bar is not shown
Focus Search bar Ctrl + K command + 1000
Ctrl + Due east Ctrl + J command + option + F
- if search bar is shown
Change the Default Search Engine Ctrl +
Ctrl +
command +
command +

- in the Search bar or the Search field of the New Tab page.
View menu to switch, add or manage search engines Alt +
Alt +
option +
pick +

- when the Search bar is focused

Windows & Tabs

Control Shortcut
Close Tab Ctrl + West
Ctrl + F4
command + West
- except for Pinned Tabs
Shut Window Ctrl + Shift + W
Alt + F4
command + shift + W
Bike through Tabs in Recently Used Lodge Ctrl + Tab control + tab
-if enabled in Options Preferences
Go out Quit Ctrl + Shift + Q Ctrl + Q control + Q
Go one Tab to the Left Ctrl + Page Upwards control + page upwardly
command + selection +

Ctrl + Shift + Tab control + shift + tab *
* encounter beneath
Go i Tab to the Correct Ctrl + Page Down control + page downwards
command + option +

Ctrl + Tab control + tab *
* if the setting Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order is disabled in Options Preferences
Get to Tab 1 to viii Ctrl + ane to 8 command + 1 to 8 Alt + 1 to 8
Go to Last Tab Ctrl + 9 command + 9 Alt + nine
Motility Tab Left Ctrl + Shift + Folio Upwards
Move Tab Right Ctrl + Shift + Page Down
Move Tab to offset Ctrl + Shift + Home command + shift + home
- requires the currently selected tab to be "in focus" for instance, by hitting Alt + D command + 50 to focus the address bar, then Shift + Tab until you reach the browser tab bar.
Move Tab to end Ctrl + Shift + Cease control + shift + end
- requires the currently selected tab to be "in focus" for instance, by hitting Alt + D control + L to focus the accost bar, and so Shift + Tab until you reach the browser tab bar.
Mute/Unmute Audio Ctrl + M control + 1000
New Tab Ctrl + T command + T
New Window Ctrl + Due north command + N
New Private Window Ctrl + Shift + P control + shift + P
Open Accost or Search in New Background Tab Alt + Shift + Enter option + shift + return
- from address bar
Open Address or Search in New Foreground Tab Alt + Enter option + return
- from address bar or Search bar
Open Accost or Search in New Window Shift + Enter shift + return
- from address bar or the Search field on the New Tab folio
Open Search in New Background Tab Ctrl + Enter command + shift + return
- from the Search field on the New Tab page.
(run into note, below)
Open Search in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter command + return
- from the Search field on the New Tab page.
Note: The Foreground and Background Tab shortcuts are switched if the setting When yous open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately is enabled in Options Preferences
Open Focused Bookmark or Link in Electric current Tab Enter return
Open up Focused Bookmark in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Enter command + render
Open Focused Bookmark in New Groundwork Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter control + shift + render
Open Focused Link in New Background Tab Ctrl + Enter command + return
(see note, below)
Open Focused Link in New Foreground Tab Ctrl + Shift + Enter command + shift + return
Note: The Foreground and Background Tab shortcuts are switched if the setting When y'all open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately is enabled in Options Preferences
Open Focused Bookmark or Link in New Window Shift + Enter shift + return
Show All Tabs Ctrl + Shift + Tab command + shift + tab
- if the setting Ctrl+Tab cycles through tabs in recently used order is enabled in Options Preferences
Undo Shut Tab Ctrl + Shift + T command + shift + T
Disengage Shut Window Ctrl + Shift + Due north command + shift + Northward
Moves the URL left or right (if cursor is in the address bar) Ctrl + Shift + Ten command + shift + X


Command Shortcut
History sidebar Ctrl + H
Library window (History) Ctrl + Shift + H
Clear Recent History Ctrl + Shift + Del


Command Shortcut
History sidebar command + shift + H
Clear Recent History command + shift + delete


Command Shortcut
Bookmark All Tabs Ctrl + Shift + D command + shift + D
Bookmark This Folio Ctrl + D command + D
Bookmarks sidebar Ctrl + B command + B Ctrl + B
Show/hide the Bookmarks toolbar Ctrl + Shift + B control + shift + B Ctrl + Shift + B
Show All Bookmarks (Library Window) Ctrl + Shift + O Ctrl + Shift + B command + shift + O command + shift + B Ctrl + Shift + O Ctrl + Shift + B
Bear witness Listing of All Bookmarks Space
- in Empty Search Field in Bookmarks Library Window or Sidebar.
Focus Next Bookmark/Folder whose name (or sorted holding) starts with a given character or graphic symbol sequence Type the character or quickly blazon the character sequence.
- in Bookmarks Library, Bookmarks Toolbar, Bookmarks Card, Bookmarks Sidebar
Command Shortcut
Downloads Ctrl + J Ctrl + Shift + Y command + J
Add-ons Ctrl + Shift + A command + shift + A
Toggle Programmer Tools F12
Ctrl + Shift + I command + alt + I
Web Console Ctrl + Shift + 1000 command + alt + K
Inspector Ctrl + Shift + C control + alt + C
Take a screenshot Ctrl + Shift + South control + shift + S
Note: This is customizable – click menu Fx57menu, open , select Extensions, open upward the Sidebar gear menu at summit correct of page, then choose Manage Extension Shortcuts.
Style Editor Shift + F7
Profiler Shift + F5
Network Ctrl + Shift + Q command + alt + Q Ctrl + Shift + Eastward control + alt + E
Responsive Design View Ctrl + Shift + Yard command + alt + M
Page Source Ctrl + U command + U
Browser Console Ctrl + Shift + J command + shift + J
Page Info Ctrl + I command + I

PDF Viewer

Command Shortcut
Next folio N or J or
Previous page P or G or
Zoom in Ctrl + + control + +
Zoom out Ctrl + - command + -
Automatic Zoom Ctrl + 0 command + 0
Rotate the certificate clockwise R
Rotate counterclockwise Shift + R
Switch to Presentation Mode Ctrl + Alt + P command + Alt + P
Choose Text Selection Tool S
Choose Mitt Tool H
Focus the Folio Number input box Ctrl + Alt + K control + Alt + Grand


Control Shortcut
Complete .com Address Ctrl + Enter
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry Shift + Del
Toggle Total Screen F11
Toggle Carte Bar activation (showing it temporarily when hidden) Alt or F10 Alt or F10
Toggle Reader Mode Ctrl + Alt + R F9
Caret Browsing F7
Focus Accost Bar F6
Alt + D
Ctrl + L
Focus Search Field in Library F6
Ctrl + F
Stop Autoscroll Mode Esc
Cancel Drag-and-Drop Operation Esc
Clear Search Field in Library or Sidebar Esc
Close a Bill of fare Esc
Toggle Context Menu Shift + F10


Command Shortcut
Complete .com Accost command + return
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry shift + delete
Toggle Full Screen command+Shift+F
Toggle Reader Style command+option+R
Caret Browsing F7
Focus Accost Bar F6
command + L
Focus Search Field in Library F6
control + F
Terminate Autoscroll Mode Esc
Abolish Drag-and-Drop Operation Esc
Clear Search Field in Library or Sidebar Esc
Close a Menu Esc


Command Shortcut
Complete .com Accost Ctrl + Enter
Complete .net Address Shift + Enter
Complete .org Address Ctrl + Shift + Enter
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry Del
Toggle Total Screen F11
Toggle Menu Bar activation (showing it temporarily when subconscious) Alt or F10 Alt or F10
Toggle Reader Mode Ctrl + Alt + R F9 Ctrl + Alt + R
Caret Browsing F7
Focus Address Bar F6
Alt + D
Ctrl + L
Focus Search Field in Library F6
Ctrl + F
Stop Autoscroll Mode Esc
Cancel Drag-and-Drop Operation Esc
Clear Search Field in Library or Sidebar Esc
Close a Menu Esc
Toggle Context Carte Shift + F10


Control Shortcut
Complete .com Address command + return
Complete .net Address shift + render
Complete .org Address control + shift + return
Delete Selected Autocomplete Entry shift + delete
Toggle Full Screen command+Shift+F
Toggle Reader Mode command+selection+R
Caret Browsing F7
Focus Address Bar F6
command + 50
Focus Search Field in Library F6
command + F
Stop Autoscroll Style Esc
Abolish Drag-and-Drop Operation Esc
Clear Search Field in Library or Sidebar Esc
Close a Carte du jour Esc
Command Shortcut
Toggle Play / Pause Infinite bar
Decrease volume
Increment book
Mute audio Ctrl + control +
Unmute sound Ctrl + command +
Seek back 15 seconds
Seek back 10 % Ctrl + command +
Seek forward 15 seconds
Seek forward 10 % Ctrl + control +
Seek to the beginning Habitation
Seek to the end End

Selection of Multiple Tabs

These shortcuts crave the tab bar to be "in focus." Currently, the but way to do this is to focus an adjacent object and "tab into" the tab bar, for instance, past hitting Ctrl + Fifty control + 50 to focus the address bar, and then Shift + Tab repeatedly until the current tab gets a colored edge dotted rectangle.

Command Shortcut
Select left, right, showtime or terminal tab. Deselect all other tabs. Arrow Keys
Motion the colored edge dotted rectangle to left, right, first or concluding tab. Ctrl command + Arrow Keys
Ctrl command + Domicile
Ctrl command + Cease
Select or deselect the tab with the colored border dotted rectangle. The other tabs stay selected or deselected. Ctrl + Space command + space

Developer shortcuts

You can also apply keyboard shortcuts with developer tools in Firefox. See the All Keyboard shortcuts MDN Web Docs folio.

These fine people helped write this article:

AliceWyman, Chris Ilias, Gids, cor-el, Cheng Wang, Underpass, Kadir Topal, Tonnes, Michele Rodaro, Aleksej, mkupper, smo, Standard8, Michael Verdi, YFdyh000, Matt Brubeck, scoobidiver, BijuGC, John99, Samuel Bronson, TomW, Gingerbread Human being, Swarnava Sengupta, soucet, brix22, John Hawkinson, Joergen, ideato, user02, Dingster, scottedwards2000, Joshua Smith, kobe, twiss, mrthetooth, Meghraj Suthar, Jonas Jenwald, guigs, Hossain Al Ikram, Ede_123, scootergrisen, Joni, Franz_von_Suppe, Artist, Andreas Wagner, otherechoes, skan1, Cynthia Pereira, rrthomas, gijs, Seburo, Chris Peterson, FreedomFighterSparrow [ffs], seulgi, Andy, dongj, Smylers, Andrés B.S., milleplateaux, Angela Lazar, yura.zenevich, Andrew Siplas, IMAN, user, Fabi, roberto.jimeno

Illustration of hands


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