Funny We Go Together Asian White Couple

Why are there so many white guy/Asian girl couples?


but you rarely see a white girl/asian guy couple in America?

Why are there so many white guy/Asian girl couples?

Most Helpful Guys

  • Anonymous

    this is why--->American women say they welcome the competition but lets be a little bit more honest shall we, you can't compete. Plain and simple. Oh yes I know you are a strong independent woman with a mind of her own, but let's try and be a bit more honest shall we? If we weren't so isolated from the rest of the world over here in America and you really had to compete you would lose. Of course I'm guessing you are single now, so it really wouldn't be any different would it? The fact the you're another crackpot feminist who thinks American women are desired throughout the world? You can't show me any stats or any proof that foreign men are looking to marry or date American women. So I'm sure while in your mind you are highly desired wherever you go, it's probably more your pychosis then it is that you are wanted and respected in these countries. If American women could compete they wouldn't need all these laws protecting them.

    You are right. While there are THOUSANDS of international dating sites that help to match AMERICAN MEN with FOREIGN WOMEN, I haven't found a single site that matches American women with foreign men. Apparently, there is NO demand for American women among the men around the world. Even in the U.S., this demand for American women (except for very young, attractive ones) are continually declining, while the demand for foreign brides has literally exploded over the years. The word is out ladies, many American men are now saying "I want a foreign woman, not an American woman!".

    The point is Tiger Woods chose a beautiful Sweedish model over an American woman. He could have had his choice of any woman in the world, why not choose an American woman like yourself? Probably because most of you are a bunch of delusional, angry, pychos would be my guess? American men are side stepping American women? More like running these days:) This is the attitude of an American woman. My best friend has been married for 26 years to the same woman. He took care of her, bought a house, bought her cars, etc etc etc. Last year he got hurt on the job, and gets disability. This ball busting, scum sucking bitch starts complaining to him about not having enough money, and left him. I am married a great belarusian, and he wanted the same. I introduced him to one of my wife's old friends in Belarus. They hit it off right away, and are doing real good. His words, I have heard from so many men. "I will never, ever marry an American woman again". I said these same words. Thousands of American men are learning how manipulative, and evil an American woman can be, and are just damn sick of it. At the rate it is going the American woman will live alone, while every American men will be happily married. In the next 20 years years single men will have ass galore.

    The problem is most American women have had Daddy call them princess and given them everything they can afford to give. Todays American women wiggle around playing the temptress and vamp. Thi

    Like 1 Person

  • TheGodEmperorLeto

    Cause, tbh, many Asian guys are very feminine looking. No offense, not all, of course, but they come off more androgynous than white guys who are the more "manly men" type that women like from all cultures. I think the Japanese guys are the biggest example of "androgynous" men, but I've seen it with a lot of Asian cultures too.

Most Helpful Girls

  • Anonymous

    when it comes to interracial dating, the woman usually has the choice and decides whether its gonna be a relationship or not. I'm not saying the guy has nothing to do with it, but certain girls like certain guys they will make themselves available and try to attract him for a relationship. Asian girls simply like white men. if Asian girls didn't like white men, there wouldn't be that many WM/AW couples. in contrast I don't think as many white girls like Asian men. I'm not saying none of them do but it isn't that prevalent.

    Like Disagree 2 People

    • mariafromabove1979

      yeah white girls like black guys lol

    • Anonymous

      That makes me sad. lol

  • beans

    Because the family af an Asian guy would approve a lot less of him dating a white girl, than the other way around. Most Asian girls who go out with white guys don't come from religious families, but if they were, they wouldn't even go to school or university, as especially, a lot of Indians see no use in educating a young woman. You won't see a girl in a burka with a white dude for sure, because her family would probably drown her in the swimming pool when she got home.

    Like Disagree 2 People

  • Anonymous

    My cousin (white) dated an Asian guy. His family wasn't so hot on it. Perhaps that's why?

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3 1

  • RedThread78

    I think it's the media... you never see tough and strong alpha male Asian guys on television.. I know they are out there but the media effects our perceptions a lot.

    Like 2 People

    • Anonymous

      Yeah they portray us as goofballs.

  • Anonymous

    Don't know.

    But works for me, because I prefer white guys. :]

    Like Disagree 5 People

  • TruthJones

    because white guys have a lot of fetishes for just kidding I honestly dnt know

    Like Disagree 3 People

  • Anonymous

    that's because white guys only seem to go after the rich, successful Asian guys only while Asian girls are not that picky

    Disagree 1 Person


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