Funny Cheeto Meme of Trump Donald Trump as a Baby Cheeto

In 2 days, the mascot of white supremacy and proof that God sometimes rushes through the creation process, Donald Trump the Dusty Degenerate, will exist sworn in every bit president of the U.s.. And the four horsemen of the apocalypse will ride in as Jesus emerges behind them with a whip and proceeds to beat his ass (like they beat Kunta Kinte) before putting us all out of our misery.

Well, i of those things is likely. The latter is too kind a result. We don't deserve the rapture. We gotta sit here and live in a world where our leader is a guy who shouldn't fifty-fifty run on a treadmill, let lone run a country. And every twenty-four hours since Nov 8, I've had gagging episodes where I feel ill to my stomach and heave when I realize that this is really happening.

Right, Morgan.

It has not gotten easier, as every twenty-four hours ushers in new fuckshit from the Trump Dump. Either way, now I'm in survival mode.

The 45th president of the United States happens to be a human who has the intellect and temperament of a spoiled toddler. This poor excuse for a animate specimen also happens to be a racist, misogynist, xenophobe and arguably, a rapist. ANDDDD he has the nerve to have spent the last 8 years disrespecting the hell out of our current president, Barack Obama.

I know that Empress Duchess Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama, Queen of my heart, said "when they become low, we go high." But see? I'yard going to act like she followed that up with a silent "except when information technology comes for Donald Trump, and then all bets are off." I need that, because that dude goes so low that I feel like we have no choice but to go gutter.

And then, gotta give it correct back. I already told y'all I am not playing prissy with him. I am committing to disrespecting that thing that is nearly to be ruling our country, for my own shits and giggles. Especially when we all know he's the nearly sensitive summabish this side of the Equator. Him and this fast ass Twitter fingers.

I never knew that the POTUS could be such a whiny fiddling Twitter ho. Anything is possible.

Bruh gotta get these jokes and this work. And usually, I have limits when it comes to what I make fun of nigh a person (I stay away from jokes virtually someone'south trunk usually) but with Cheeto Satan, I'grand thinking well-nigh things are fair game.

For ease and for the civilization, I'm presenting you lot with this necessary petty manual and then we can all go in FUCKTHISDUDE formation:

A Handy Guide to Disrespecting Donald Trump.

Don't watch his inauguration

There is nothing that Satan's mentee, Donald Trump, loves more than attention, and ratings. I am a fan of hate-watching things, and tweeting it. But on Jan 20, I volition not be watching no damb inauguration, and I hope you don't too. For i, it's full of the entertainment rejects since everyone with sense who was invited said "Nah I'll be besides busy washing my hair at that time." More importantly, Mein Trumpf needs to know that we are REALLY not here for him. And we demand to give him less things to brag about.

I've been getting the messages near making certain our TVs are on so rating shares can testify most people were watching television but just non his shit show. But I haven't been able to fact check that so I tin't vouch for it. All I know is *I* will non exist watching.

Make fun of his credentials

Nosotros gotta constantly remind Donald that he ain't shit and never will be shit, no matter how much money he got considering he didn't earn any of it. He'south a reality TV star with many failed businesses in his wake. His resume is full of shoddy dealings and he has not i person who isn't on his payroll or his kin who tin speak kindly of him.

Donald don't fifty-fifty get to this school

Marmalade Mussolini tin can't even run his ain businesses well, filing bankruptcy 6 times for his ventures. He is and so damb raggedy and the ONLY reason he'due south e'er gotten anywhere is considering he was born with a platinum spoon in his mouth. I call him the mascot of white supremacy considering ain't no long con like the thought that white people are superior.

There is no other person who has served the office of POTUS who is this unqualified. He's the get-go to have held no other public offices, and the first to be part chip (he gotta exist AT Least 15% Dorito).

Make fun of his hair

Ain't no way in hell you should be this rich and walking effectually with hair that looks like piss-flavored cotton candy. Similar when you walk by him, he gives off the aureola of porta potty.

A portrait.

Lord knows. Nobody should ever speak directly to him. How do you do business with someone who is wearing a squirrel on his scalp? Why does his hair look similar that sponge our mom's been using for iii years and it'south at present a shadow of its quondam self simply she loves information technology so much considering information technology scrubs the pots actually well? His hair up there looking like Lucy from Charlie Brown dyed her bangs blonde. On a picayune cartoon daughter, information technology is adequate. On a troglodyte with the confront for radio, it is horrendous.

And then this is low hanging roast fruit. Get to information technology. Come up upward with the all-time hair jokes of your life. Make me proud.

Make fun of his color

White, Black, Yellow? Certain. Orange? No. WHY ARE You THE COLOR OF A UNHEALTHY SNACKS?!?


Why is your spray tan unable to however it odds? And why does he always miss the circumvolve effectually his eyes, and so he looks a creamsicle that someone bit so you can run across the vanilla on the within? It's offensive, how terrible he looks.

The key to these jokes working is to figure out things that are orangish-y in color and evil, and use them to create parallels. Sooooo Cheeto Satan. Tangerine Voldemort. Persimmon Hitler. Get creative, and get nuts. Practice your best!

Brand fun of his infant easily

For someone who is constantly writing checks his oral cavity tin can't cash, Sunkist Stalin can't even put his easily on folks to back himself upward if it came to it.

Donald Trump baby hands

His easily prolly got dimples on them. You know like how babies' easily are before they develop knuckle joints.

He was on that tape talmbout how he wanted to grab a woman past her pussy. WITH WHOSE HANDS, DONALD?? Those tiny hands can maybe grab i labia, but not both at the same time. Arms and hands too short to box with God. Hell, they're too short to palm a volleyball. I estimate that God felt like amusing Himself and when He was putting the Nacho Nazi together, He gave him hands that would stay 12 years old as the remainder of him grew. Grown AF with pre-teen phalanges.

That asshole can get this work!

Phone call him everything but his name.

Now comes the REALLY fun part. We've started doing this but we need to get really intentional about it. This might be the last time I actually type Donald Trump because henceforth, he must not be given the honor of existence chosen his birth name. We must come up together in impertinence and call this dimwit the monikers that really fit him.

I accept made note of all the names I've heard folks phone call him beyond the cyberspace and made the states a listing to refer back to. I am only taking credit for the first 2. The others? Institute and dreamed of by the great minds across Twitter, Facebook and more.

Squirrelwig McRacistPants. Cheeto Satan. Coral Babyhands. Fanta Fascist. Dreamsicle Demon. Orange Menace. El Hombre de Tang. Marmalade Mussolini. Orange Anusmouth. Don the Con. Pilus Gropenfuhrer. Sunkist Stalin. Habañero Hitler. Mandarin Orange Mugabe. The Orangish Peel. Trumplethinskin. Orange is the new Splat. Tangerine Nutsack. Angry Creamsicle. Human being-toupee hybrid. Amanuensis Orange. Fuckface von Clownstick. Cheetolini. The Orange Shitweasel. President Tang. Persimmon Toddler. Kim Jong Orange. Pantone Beelzebub. Hair Gropenfuhrer. Minute Maid Mao. Clueless Orange Julius. Papaya Batista. Sugariness Irish potato Saddam. Doorknob Trundlefuck. Tropicana Mussolini. Mangled Apricot Hellbeast. Twitler. Pumpkin Pinochet. Cheeze Wiz. Lemonhead Elect. Peach Nehi President. Trump Brulée. Short Fingered Vulgarian. Orangish Foolius. Pumpkin Spice Satan. Tang Tyrant. Mandarin Manchurian Candidate. Sunburned Stalin. Babyhands McCheetodick. Cheeto-in-Chief. Salmon Voldemort. Candy Corn Kremlin. The Nacho Nazi. Toupée Fiasco. PEEOTUS.

New additions to this list:Dolt45. The Angry Yam. Tangerine Palpatine. Tangerine Turd Tumbler. Orange Kumquat. Yam Vader. Genghis Con. Cantaloupe Caillou. Madking Littlehands. Velveeta Tweeta. Salmon Sadist. Hair Force I. Darth Cheeto. Ginger Genghis. Terra Cotta Turdface. Marmalade VonDouche. Kumquat Despot. Cantaloupe Caligula. Kremlin Gremlin. Lord Commander Marmalade. Papaya Pol Pot. Apricot Idi Amin. Super Callous Fragile Racist Sexist Nazi Potus. Shady Marmalade. Cheeto Von Gropenstuff. Burnt Sienna Bumbaclot. Sherbert Pervert. Circus-Peanut-In-Chief. Jackass-o-Lantern. Komrade Kumquat.

And now, for the ultimate form of disrespect to Twitler (and the 1 that matters the nigh):


We are in uncharted territories right now. He won on a platform of bigotry, he's supremely unqualified and he is the walking apotheosis of the vii mortiferous sins. He is packing his administration with equally dreadful people who shouldn't even be door greeters at your local Piggly Wiggly, permit alone in high positions of power in government. President Tang is the leader of the Republican Party, which now controls every branch of government. They have all the ability they need to wreck everything expert almost this state. In fact, they've already started taking steps to repeal the Affordable Care Human activity. Basically, they are enemies of progress.

What we need to make certain we're doing is fighting them every step of the way. That nosotros resist their calendar to "Make America Groovy Again" which is dog-whistle for "put white power back on the map." Nosotros should not allow the normalization of discrimination that is and then overt that you retrieve we're dorsum in the 1920s. Swastikas have made a comeback, hate crimes have spiked and the racists have been emboldened. The KKK basically took off their hoods and said "come up at me, bro."

The way to show our antipathy for Wiggy Trumpzealea is to call him out on his bullshit, agree our elected officials accountable for our needs, and stand upwards for those who are even more marginalized than we are. It's not even disrespect every bit much every bit it is our duty. We fight. Nosotros resist. We make certain the nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue doesn't incapacitate the states.

What do we exercise at present? We FIGHT similar hell. We WRITE our asses off. We make the best Fine art we can. We PROTECT each other. We LOVE ourselves through it. We STAY STANDING.

Left: Past Shepard Fairey. Right: By Ernesto Yerena. Both of these pieces of fine art are from the Amplifier Foundation'south kickstarter entrada titled "We the People, which I backed enthusiastically.

And we also make fun of him with reckless abandon. You lot know his hurt feels will spill over in massive twitter rants and at his pay-to-play press conferences.

Permit's exercise this!

But beginning, let me go vomit. Toupee Fiasco is really about to have the nuclear codes.

P.S. In case y'all are wondering what one of the hex code values of his pare was. You know he got almost 46 different shades of orange going.


Follow @luvvie

Take yous bought my debut volume I'One thousand JUDGING You lot: The Exercise-Better Transmission. Haven't ordered information technology yet? Now's your chance. You lot'll love it. Amazon. Barnes & Nobles. iBooks. Audible (I narrated the audiobook myself). Kobo. Books-A-Million.


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